Part of God

UniverseWho are you?

What are you?

The secret of who and what you are is that in essence you are pure consciousness … pure being.

From this consciousness all that you experience proceeds … you’ve made it up.

Your body, your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, your world, your universe, all that you see and experience .. all is a dream, that you have made up.  It is a beautiful dream and you are, in fact, both the dream and the dreamer.

The dream seems real, it IS real, because you have made it so.

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And so what you experience as “you” is a part of that grand experience we call the universe.  it is a part of pure consciousness that has formed itself into a unique experience called “you.”

Your body, your mind, your thoughts, your feelings, your life — you are pure consciousness experiencing a unique part of itself called “you.”

How can that be?

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